The television advertisements for LCM's are largely based on the premise that LCM's are an essential part of your child's lunchbox - your children will be so excited to open up their lunch box & find this item!
With a list of 24 ingredients, 5 of which are a form of sugar, & 3 forms of MSG (Barley Malt Extract, hydrogenated soybean oil & flavour), I believe that these 'food like products' with a long shelf life have no place in our children's diets.
I would be interested to know what exactly is in the 'yogurt flavoured compound' (8th on the ingredient list). This compound makes up a high percentage of the product, namely 27%. & really sounds suspect.
One of the preservatives, 472e, (Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol)- that's quite a mouthful!- has been linked to headaches, high blood sugar levels, & eye irritation in sensitive people. The JECFA (Joint FAD/ WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) is still evaluating this preservative yet it's in a product directly marketed to appeal to children.
Please pass the word around to your friends who have children.